March 11, 2021

Selenium​ Minerals are necessary in your diet. Pharmacist Max Motyka looks at why selenium is such an important mineral because …
March 11, 2021

Selenium, Vitamin E and Cancer​ A 1996 study showed the effect of Selenium and Vitamin E fighting against certain cancers. Pharmacist Max Motyka goes …
March 11, 2021

Vanadium​ Pharmacist Max Motyka explores why vanadium has a positive effect on blood sugar and why it is of special …
March 11, 2021

How Chelated Minerals are Formed

Chelated vitamins and minerals are often thought to have advantages over non-chelated forms. Max Motyka discusses how minerals are chelated …
March 11, 2021

Here is Why Magnesium Is So Important (Video)

Magnesium is just one of the many minerals your body needs. In this video, Max Motyka describes the many functions …
March 11, 2021

How Chelated Minerals Work in the Body

How are chelated minerals different than those from a food source and what does the body do with them? Max …
March 11, 2021

Vitamins and Supplements: Know What You’re Buying!

How much do you know about the supplements you purchase? Do you know about the research or studies that went …
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