March 11, 2021

Iron​ Iron is the most deficient minerals in the diet. Pharmacist Max Motyka tells us why iron is a critical …
March 11, 2021

Who Needs Iron?​ Children and Women in their child-bearing years need more iron. Pharmacist Max Motyka goes over the importance of iron …
March 11, 2021

Calcium (Video)​ You’re probably deficient in calcium. As people get older, they don’t get enough calcium. Pharmacist Max Motyka tells us …
March 11, 2021

Women and Bone Health​ Pharmacist Max Motyka addresses the importance of taking calcium for a lifetime to prevent bone problems and osteoporosis after …
March 11, 2021

Kids and Calcium​ Pharmacist Max Motyka on making sure children are eating dairy products to get enough calcium and magnesium. Soy milk …
March 11, 2021

Are Vegans are in Danger of Being Calcium Deficient? (Video)​ Pharmacist Max Motyka stresses the importance of vegans taking a calcium supplement for bone and teeth health.
March 11, 2021

How Much Calcium You Need and Where to Get It​ Pharmacist Max Motyka fills us in on how much calcium you need to get and the sources of calcium.
March 11, 2021

Chromium (Video)​ Pharmacist Max Motyka on what chromium is and how it helps insulin in your body.
March 11, 2021

Copper (Video)​ Pharmacist Max Motyka details why you need to get more copper in your diet or supplement program and how …
March 11, 2021

Magnesium​ Pharmacist Max Motyka shares the importance of magnesium. It plays a role in more than 400 enzyme reactions in …
March 11, 2021

Manganese​ Pharmacist Max Motyka on the importance of manganese.
March 11, 2021

Potassium​ Pharmacist Max Motyka explains why you need potassium – especially for athletes and people who exercise and sweat.
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