
Without the blueberries, a blueberry muffin is just a muffin and without cinnamon, cinnamon raisin bread is just raisin bread. Whether you’re looking for chunks of chocolate or honey flavor, our inclusions add unique flavor profiles and complexity to your food products.

Our Products:


Spring some whimsy with Balchem’s Glimmer Inclusions.

Nut Allergy Free

Specifically made for individuals with nut allergies. Natural Flavors and Colors (NTN) – Products are made with natural colors and flavors.

Gooey Inclusions

Creates a stretchy, stringy appearance along with moderate piece integrity and a springy mouthfeel.

No Sugar Added (NSA)

Consumers require fewer calories and less added sugar in recipes.


Useful for high heat/griddle applications and prevents inclusion from scorching.

No Soy Lecithin

No change in appearance compared to standard and oil level will be higher to accommodate lecithin removal.

Non-Dairy Cheese

Ingredients used are all kosher pareve (no buttermilk or dairy flavors, for example), Asiago and Cheese flavors available and appearance is the same as dairy cheeses.

INhance™ Inclusions

Made with functional ingredients that help protect and deliver flavor, aroma, color, and texture to various end-use applications.

Ready to Elevate Your Products?

Contact us today to explore how our premium inclusions can enhance your cereal and snack offerings. Our team is here to provide customized solutions tailored to your needs. Reach out now and let’s create something extraordinary together!

    These statements have not been evaluated by FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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