Elderly woman stretching
July 16, 2024

Addressing Declining Calcium Intake: Vital for Strong Bones and Optimal Health 

In recent years, concerns over declining calcium intake in the United States have surfaced, shedding light on an alarming trend. …
healthy heart
February 1, 2023

Essential Minerals that Support Heart Health

National Heart Month February is American Heart Month!1 American Heart Month is a time to focus on and bring awareness …
bottled dairy milk drinks
January 11, 2023

Milk Solutions

Worldwide, over 6 billion people consume milk or milk products. Containing 13 essential nutrients, it’s no wonder milk products have …
calcium ingredients in piles
February 26, 2021

Calcium Supplements: Not as Easy as Advertised

If you watch TV, you’ve likely seen a commercial for a particular brand of antacid that claims to not only …
Heart Health
February 25, 2021

Feel the Rhythm: Minerals for Heart Health

The cardiac muscle (or heart muscle) makes up the bulk of the heart’s mass. This muscle is an extremely specialized …

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