Snack Sticks and Sausages
Traditional semi-dry sausages such as summer sausage and meat snack sticks use fermentation deliver the flavor, texture, appearance, and shelf-stability desired.
Fermentation occurs when a bacterial starter culture (microorganism) converts a sugar to lactic acid, lowering the pH to deliver the desired attributes. The final pH of the semi-dry sausage is determined by available sugar and fermentation time.
How We Serve the Snack Sticks and Sausages Market.
Adding our encapsulated acids directly into the raw meat batter, through a process called Direct Acidification, replaces the pH reduction from fermentation, without the time required for fermentation.
The encapsulation of the acidulants prevents protein denaturation, and emulsion/batter breakdown of the raw meat. Encapsulated acids also eliminate the need for fermentable sugar, allowing for no added sugar claims to be made for the finished product.