Metalosate ZMI Organic is a combination amino acid chelated minerals in a foliar fertilizer to optimize plant nutrition.

Metalosate® ZMI Organic

Product #: 08732

Amino acid complexed Metalosate® ZMI™ soluble organic powder is designed for foliar application on plants to prevent or correct nutrient deficiencies that may limit crop growth and yields. It is water soluble and non toxic to plants when applied as directed. For best results, apply Metalosate ZMI soluble organic powder according to recommendations based on plant tissue or soil analysis.

Análisis garantizado

Zinc (Zn)6.50 %
Manganeso (Mn)3.25 %
Hierro (Fe)6.50 %
Nitrógeno (N)4.0 %
Derived from Zinc Amino Acid Complex, Derived from Manganese Amino Acid Complex, Derived from Iron Amino Acid Complex.

Recursos de Los productos

Explore the Safety Data Sheets for Metalosate ZMI Organic and other Metalosate products.

Safety Data Sheets for Metalosate ZMI Organic

Instrucciones de uso del producto

Aplícalo mediante un método de pulverización y en una cantidad de agua adecuada que proporcione una cobertura completa de las plantas. La utilización de un sistema no iónico puede mejorar la cobertura de la pulverización de ciertas plantas difíciles de humedecer.

Metalosate ZMI soluble organic powder can be included in a regular spray program on crops. Consult with a Balchem representative on compatibility with other spray materials. The rate of application will depend on the crop, stage of growth, and severity of deficiency. The maximum recommended rates are for mature, full-sized plants. Reduce the rates proportionately when spraying smaller plants.

Metalosate ZMI soluble organic powder may be used on legumes, grain crops, root crops, cucurbits, cole crops, leafy vegetables, woody and herbaceous ornamentals, deciduous fruits, vine crops, tropical and subtropical fruits, and many other crops.

Recomendaciones Específicas Para el Mercado

Cultivos de Campo y Verduras

Aplica de 230 a 460 gramos (8 a 16 onzas) por acre durante los periodos de crecimiento rápido o estrés nutricional. La aplicación puede repetirse 2 o más veces a lo largo de la temporada de cultivo.

Cultivos Arbóreos

Make an application of 8 to 24 ounces (230 to 690 grams) per acre after the beginning of active growth. The application may be repeated at 2 to 4 week intervals through the growing season. On deciduous trees, 8 to 16 ounces (230 to 460 grams) per acre may be applied in the oil sprays at the delayed dormant stage; post-harvest applications of 16 to 24 ounces (460 to 690 grams) per acre may be made while active, green leaves remain on the trees.

Uvas y bayas

Haz una aplicación de 230 a 460 gramos (8 a 16 onzas) por acre luego del inicio del crecimiento activo. La aplicación puede repetirse a intervalos de una semana o más durante el periodo de crecimiento vegetativo.

Metalosate® Research

A lo largo de los años, Nutrición vegetal Balchem ha colaborado y completado cientos de estudios científicos sobre nutrición vegetal. La biblioteca de documentos de investigación se encuentra en nuestra página de Recursos.

Articles of Interest

Lettuce Field Organic Production
mayo 26, 2023Balchem Provides New Solutions to Reduce Numbers of Applications Required in the Field for Organic Production
Balchem® announced the registration of two new organic foliar products, including Metalosate® Calcium-Potassium and Metalosate ZMI™, a combination of zinc, iron and manganese.
julio 29, 2022Iron Function in Tree Fruit Production
Metalosate contains amino acid chelated minerals, meaning that the mineral is protected from adverse reactions by amino acids. Iron is one of these essential minerals and is essential to activating the enzyme system that builds chlorophyll.
Zinc Chelates
mayo 16, 2022Zinc Function
Metalosate’s amino acid Zinc chelates provides an advantage because it increases the absorption and translocation of minerals in plants.

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