Our Priority SDGs.

Balchem’s Sustainability Journey.

Balchem’s sustainability journey is one of continuous improvement.  We continue to actively engage our customers, shareholders, and employees for input on the key priorities for Balchem’s sustainability strategy. As part of our strategy we have identified priority Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) which Balchem is most focused on and able to make the biggest impact.

UN Global Compact logo with globe and laurel wreath.

UN SDG Revenue Mapping.

In addition, we recently evaluated the alignment of our product line revenue with the UN SDGs in which we determined that more than 70% of our product line revenues directly support on or more of the UN SDGs, specifically SDG 2 (zero hunger), SDG 3 (good health & well-being), and SDG 12 (responsible consumption and production).  

Yellow square with 2 Zero Hunger in white text.

Green square with 3 and heartbeat symbolizing health.

Icon for SDG 12: Responsible Consumption.

UN logo above Sustainable Development Goals text.

Priority SDGs.

We are dedicated to further enhancing our contributions to the UN SDGs while continuously striving for innovation and improvement in our sustainability practices. This commitment reflects our steadfast belief in responsible corporate citizenship and our determination to create a positive impact on both local and global scales.  Below are additional SDGs that we are focused on.   

Red square, 5 Gender Equality, gender symbols.

Icon: Water glass, drop, and arrow on turquoise background.

Yellow square, white text: 7 Affordable and Clean Energy. Icon: sun with power button.

Icon for SDG 8: Red square, white upward arrow on graph.

Green square, 13 Climate Action, globe in eye icon.

Icon: SDG 17, Partnerships for the Goals, circles on blue.


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