Balchem’s Priority SDGs

Balchem’s sustainability journey is one of continuous improvement.  We continue to actively engage our customers, shareholders, and employees for input on the key priorities for Balchem’s sustainability strategy. As part of our strategy we have identified priority Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) which Balchem is most focused on and able to make the biggest impact.  

In addition, we evaluated the alignment of our product line revenue with the UN SDGs which determined that more than 70% of our product line revenues directly support SDG 2 (zero hunger), SDG 3 (good health & well-being), and SDG 12 (responsible consumption and production).

Zero Hunger

We have positively impacted over 1.1 billion people with our health and nutrition-based products.

Good Health and Well-Being

“At our core, we are a health and nutrition company.”
— Ted Harris, Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer

Gender Equality

Balchem is committed to improving diversity and building an inclusive culture throughout our company.

Clean Water and Sanitation

The combination of efficiencies and significant changes in our use of process water will ensure that we achieve our 2030 goal to reduce global water use by 25%.

Affordable and Clean Energy

We are continuously looking for ways to improve our energy efficiency, reliance on renewable energy, and reduce our environmental impact.

Decent Work and Economic Growth

We believe that protecting the safety, health, and welfare of our employees and communities is the right thing to do.

Responsible Consumption and Production

We are committed to responsible raw material sourcing and are continuously looking for ways to improve our energy efficiency and reduce our environmental impact.

Climate Action

By 2030, Balchem commits to reducing our greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and global water usage by 25%, versus our 2020 baseline.

Partnerships For The Goals

In 2020, Balchem joined the United Nations Global Compact, confirming our support of their Ten Principles on human rights, labor, environment, and anti-corruption.