September 29, 2022

Iron Availability and the Metalosate® Advantage

Manganese is closely related to iron in the way that plants utilize it, it is vital that deficiencies be treated quickly and effectively.

Hands holding a seedling in dark soil.

Iron plays a crucial role in plant growth and crop yields. Plant’s ability to utilize iron plays a vital role as well, since it affects photosynthesis and chlorophyll synthesis and is a principal component to many enzymes. Without iron, protein in the chloroplast decreases, which shows up as chlorosis. As such, maximizing iron’s efficiency within plants results in healthier more productive crops.

Iron Availability

Iron can be present in soil at 50,000 times the annual demand according to Jones, but many factors limit a plant’s ability to utilize that iron. Plants need that iron in a form it can access. Improper irrigation or poor drainage and soil and water pH can particularly affect a plant’s ability to access iron. Even when the plant can access iron, it may have trouble translocating it through the plant to high need areas. This combination makes it very difficult to maximize productivity.

If chlorosis occurs it may indicate an iron deficiency, if this or other symptoms occur it may be beneficial to analyze leaf tissue as opposed to soil to get a realistic picture of actual plant health and nutrition. This gives a true picture about a plants iron utilization and then a treatment program can be tailored to fit a plant’s needs.

The Metalosate Advantage:

Metalosate® Iron can penetrate the leaves of the plant effectively, because of the low molecular size and structure of the amino acid chelated mineral. Once the molecule penetrates the leaf cuticle, the plant recognizes that molecule as an amino acid, which occur naturally in the plant, so the mineral moves through the plant without adverse reactions. Then the plant can utilize the iron where needed, like in the growing points. In studies Metalosate Iron was absorbed and translocated 62.8 percent better than EDTA chelates and 46.5 percent better than iron sulphate.

A Sustainable Solution

Since iron can be abundant in soil it is crucial to not add any additional iron to the soil. Little to no product remains on the leaves, since ninety percent or more of Metalosate penetrates the leaf’s cuticle. This results in iron not being accidentally rinsed off the leaves and into the soil. Products applied to the soil can even inadvertently leach into the water table. Metalosate does not contribute to this effect.

Iron continues to be vital to plant nutrition and overall health; without it plants cannot effectively grow or produce fruit. Metalosate’s superior bioavailability and targeted nutrition supply the plant with iron where it needs it most. That’s nutrition delivered.

Jones, 2020, Iron Availability and Management Considerations: A 4R Approach,

Ashmead, H. D., Ashmead, H. H., Miller, G. W., Hsu, H. H. (Eds.). Foliar Feeding of Plants with Amino Acid Chelates. (pp. 357-360). Park Ridge, JJ: Noyes Publications.

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