To maximize growth and yield in fruit and vegetable production the element boron is needed in higher concentrations than any other micronutrient. Deficiencies can lead to a variety of symptoms in plants like stem crack in celery or hollow stem disorder in broccoli or reduced growth rate of fleshy fruits. Boron deficiency is first noticeable in growing points, new buds and young leaves. These may become discolored, misshapen or wrinkled. Deficiencies increase dropping buds, flowers, tip burn, and brown or black heart.
Unfortunately, Boron deficiency is quite widespread. Many factors contribute to this including, but not limited to:
- Boron being leached during high rainfall or irrigation
- Boron has limited mobility in many plant species
- Boron availability decreases as soil pH increases
- And boron availability decreases in drought conditions
A superior solution for combatting deficiency and the associated loss of productivity is Metalosate® Boron. Metalosate Boron provides a superior option for application of Boron to increase the health and productivity of plants, as it assists in the translocation of boron to the areas of the plant with the greatest need. Boron can then play its vital role in sugar transport, cell wall synthesis, respiration and cell wall structure. For more information about how Metalosate Boron should be used in a plant nutrition regimen contact your local Balchem Plant Nutrition Representative.