Three cows with ear tags behind a metal fence.


Utilizing Balchem’s revolutionary X-technology, AminoShure-XL Precision Release Lysine contains approximately 35% more metabolizable lysine than the leading competitor and is designed to consistently, reliably and economically meet the amino acid requirements of lactating dairy cattle, giving it a competitive edge over blood meal and other lysine sources. 

AminoShure®-XL logo with Precision Release Lysine.

Key Advantages of AminoShure-XL

AminoShure-XL represents more than a decade of dedicated research aimed at maximizing dairy cow productivity and profitability. The result is a new and improved AminoShure-XL that contains approximately 35% more metabolizable lysine than the leading competitor.

  • Consistent – AminoShure-XL uses Balchem’s X-technology to deliver a consistent supply of MP lysine to the cow, effectively solving the issue of inconsistency associated with other sources of lysine like blood meal.
  • Reliable – AminoShure-XL has undergone the same rigorous testing and development as other rumen-protected nutrients in the Balchem line-up, ensuring precise nutrient delivery. Driven by researc and technical teams with expertise in rumen biology, animal physiology, and protein nutrition, Balchem is uniquely positioned to deliver innovations that improve dairy performance and profitability.
  • Cost-Effective – AminoShure-XL’s enhancements in metabolizable lysine content provides a consistent, reliable and less expensive source of metabolizable lysine, reducing both ration costs and variability while improving cow productivity. These advantages make it possible to effectively replace blood meal in dairy diets, helping dairy farmers to achieve greater and more consistent economic returns.

* Based on manufacturer’s bioavailability claims and content declarations 

Why Balance for Lysine?

Lysine is one of the first limiting amino acids in the lactating dairy cows diet. Cows cannot synthesize lysine, so it must be obtained from exogenous sources. By incorporating rumen-protected lysine into the feed, nutritionists can enhance milk and milk component production while also gaining the flexibility to lower dietary protein levels. This approach not only improves nitrogen utilization but also reduces nitrogen excretion, benefiting both the cow’s health and environmental sustainability. A recent meta-analysis by Arshad et al., (024) examined the impact of feeding rumen-protected lysine to lactating dairy cows and found the following (Figure 1):

1. Scatter plot: Lysine vs. yield metric 1
2. Scatter plot: Lysine vs. yield metric 2
3. Scatter plot: Lysine vs. yield metric 3
4. Scatter plot: Lysine vs. yield metric 4.


  • Increased milk production by 3.3 lbs. (1.51 kg)/cow/day
    • Increased Fat-Corrected Milk by 4.5 lbs. (2.04 kg)/cow/day
    • Increased Energy-Corrected Milk by 4.4 lbs. (2.0 kg)/cow/day
  • Enhanced milk fat percentage and total yield
  • Increased milk protein yield
  • Improved feed efficiency
Red X on white, like AminoShure®-XL branding.

Other Benefits of feeding rumen-protected lysine include

  • Reduced dietary protein content
  • Lower ration costs
  • Improved nitrogen utilization
  • Reduced nitrogen excretion

54.0% L-Lysine

64% Bioavailability

35.6% MP Lysine*


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