Podcast Topic
Today’s podcast is our January installment of the Journal Club, styled after the traditional journal clubs at universities across the country and around the world. Today we’re a closer look at some of the newest research published in the Journal of Dairy Science.
Co-host: Dr. Clay Zimmerman, Balchem
Episode : 2022 Journal Club- Phosphorus in Dairy Diets
Article 1: https://bit.ly/3zCBdIA
Dr. Jesse Goff, in summarizing a paper from the Netherlands, stated animals on a low phosphorus diet had lower blood phosphorus than the other animals, which isn’t unexpected. But the animal’s calcium concentration had improved on a lower phosphorus diet. (5:53)
Dr. Bill Weiss emphasized a two to one phosphorus ratio isn’t always correct. The important thing is to meet the NRC requirements for both phosphorus and calcium. (11:38)
Dr. Jesse Goff warned that even if you think you are feeding a low phosphorus diet if you are using byproducts – such as soybean meal, canola meal and wet brewers – it can all bring in a lot of phosphorus. You need to be wary of that in the diet. (17:20)
Dr. Bill Weiss mentioned you should be in a slightly deficient diet postpartum and not meet the NRC requirements. Dr. Jesse Goff added that a postpartum cow would be pulling phosphorus and calcium out of her bones, needing less in her diet. (29:26)
Article 2: https://bit.ly/33hKjyI
Dr. Jesse Goff and Dr. Bill Weiss summarized the second article, which covered a study with an even lower phosphorus diet than the first article. This study promotes a low phosphorus diet as a way to control hypocalcemia. (36:49)
Dr. Bill Weiss mentioned that based on these papers, he thinks the low phosphorus diets in the pre-fresh and in the far-off should not worry as much so you can have some cost-savings in your feed.
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This podcast is sponsored by Balchem Animal Nutrition and Health.