吉姆·锥克立(Jim Drackley)博士,伊利诺伊大学
Dr. Jim Drackley, University of Illinois
Dr. Derek earned his bachelor’s and master’s degrees from South Dakota State University and his PhD from Iowa State University. He is currently a professor in the Department of Animal Sciences at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Jim’s research focuses on aspects of dairy cow nutrition and metabolism from gestation to lactation – the perinatal transition, fat utilization and metabolism, and calf nutrition and management. Dr. Zhuikeli has published many papers and writings, has trained 45 master’s and doctoral graduates, and has won a large number of professional awards. Jim has been invited to give lectures and provide technical consultation at various international forums. He is a member of the compilation committee of the 8th edition of the Nutritional Requirements of Dairy Cattle (NRC).