Utility of Innovative Foliar Micronutrient Sources to Improve Corn Grain Yield

April-September 2016 – This study was designed to see Metalosate® fertilizers and other micronutrient sources ability to improve corn grain yield. The experiment was implemented during 2016 at the Crop Sciences Research and Education Center in Champaign, IL. Foliar applications of Metalosate® Big 5™ (N, S, Zn, B, and Mn) were applied during typical post-herbicide application timing (V6) at three different rates (0.5 pt, 1 pt, or 1 qt ac). Foliar applications of Metalosate B (8 or 32 oz ac) and Metalosate Zn (16 or 64 oz ac) were applied prior to the known stage of rapid increase in B and Zn uptake at V6 or immediately prior to flowering at the VT growth stage. Results of the study showed all treatments tended to increase grain yield, ranging from 4-10 bu ac, compared to the control of 244 bu ac.


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