Plant Tissue Analysis.
Plant tissue Analysis T.E.A.M.®
Balchem Plant Nutrition has developed a unique method to evaluate plant tissue analysis results. This method relies on the development of an advanced computer program called – Technical Evaluation of Albion Minerals (T.E.A.M®). Balchem’s T.E.A.M. analysis evaluates how much of each nutrient is found in the tissue and compares that finding against its optimal level. The T.E.A.M. analysis also measures the relationships between the minerals. The analysis generates a report ranking the minerals based on their limitation to optimal crop production. At the bottom of the report, recommendations are listed for the foliar application of nutrients to correct for nutrient deficiencies or imbalances.
Our T.E.A.M. submission site is currently under construction. In the meantime, please send your sample request to Wendy King at
Why Analyze Plant Tissue?
Plant tissue analysis is a helpful tool in determining the nutritional needs of plants. It directly indicates the exact amount of each mineral that the plant is removing from the soil and accumulating in the leaves. Each analysis will represent a part of the overall crop nutrition picture. Plant tissue analysis is also a very effective way to determine if a current fertility program is efficient or if there are ways to modify it to achieve an increased benefit. Visual symptoms of mineral deficiencies are oftentimes a misleading way of diagnosing the nutritional status of plants because the symptoms of different nutrient deficiencies are similar. Also, non-nutritional problems can appear very similar to deficiencies. Balchem’s plant tissue analysis T.E.A.M. process utilizes a combination of methods including critical levels method, DRIS method, and macronutrient analysis.