Plant Tissue Sampling.

Plant Tissue Sampling.

Below are sampling instructions to help optimize the most accurate results. These instructions include when to sample, plant part to sample, and number of leaves required.

Crop When to SamplePlant Part to SampleNumber of Leaves in Sample
AlfalfaEarly growth up to 1/10 Bloom stageEntire top 15 cm of plant45-55
AppleLate summer just after the end of terminal growthYoungest fully expanded leaf from non-fruiting terminals75-100
ApricotLate summer just after the end of terminal growthYoungest fully expanded leaf from non-fruiting terminals75-100
BeansSeedling stageEntire above ground portion25-30
BeansBefore or during initial floweringYoungest mature leaves from the top of the plant25-30
BeetsBefore root or bulb enlargementCentre mature leaves25-35
BroccoliBefore headingFirst mature leaves from centre of whorl10-20
CabbageBefore headingFirst mature leaves from centre of whorl10-20
CarnationsPinched plants5th and 6th leaf pair from top of primary laterals20-30
CarnationsUnpinched plants4th and 5th leaf pair from terminal of plant20-30
CarrotsBefore root or bulb enlargementCentre mature leaves25-35
Celery Early to mid-growthPetiole and leaf of youngest mature leaf 20-30
Cereal GrainsPrior to headingFirst 4 leaf blades from top of plant30-40
Cereal GrainsSeedling stage (less than 30 cm)All the above ground portion of plant50-75
CherryLate summer just after the end of terminal growthYoungest fully expanded leaf from non-fruiting terminals75-100
ChrysanthemumsBefore and during early floweringYoungest mature leaves on flowering stem20-30
Clover and Other LegumesPrior to bloomMature leaf blades about 1/3 of the way down the plant top50-60
CoffeeEarly to mid-seasonMature leaves of current year’s growth40-50
ConferIn spring, when it has about 2 inches of new growthCollect 2 inches of new tip growth (entire tip including stem). Collect from the same side of the tree at the same height on each tree.approx. 30 tips
CornSeedling stage (less than 30 cm tall)All the above ground portion25-30
CornJust before tassellingThe fully developed leaf below the whorl15-20
CornTasselling to silkingThe leaf at the ear node or the one above or below it15-20
CottonEarly growth, at first bloom and when first squares appearYoungest fully mature leaves on main stem30-35
CucumberEarly stage of growth prior to fruit set4th to 6th leaf from terminal on main stem20-25
Cucurbits (Cucumber, Melons, etc.)Early stage of growth prior to fruit set4th to 6th leaf from terminal on main stem20-25
Deciduous FruitLate summer just after the end of terminal growthYoungest fully expanded leaf from non-fruiting terminals75-100
Forage and Pasture GrassesBefore head emergence or at the stage of best qualityThe uppermost leaf blades50-60
Grains (Small, Including Rice)Seedling stage(less than 30 cm)All the above ground portion of plant50-75
Grains (Small, Including Rice)Prior to headingFirst 4 leaf blades from top of plant 30-40
Grapes During bloom periodLeaves and petioles opposite the flower cluster75-100
Head Crops (Cabbage, etc)Before headingFirst mature leaves from center of whorl10-20
Leaf Crops (Lettuce, Spinach, etc.)Before mid-growthYoungest mature leaf30-50
LettuceBefore mid-growthYoungest mature leaf30-50
Lemon, LimeDuring autumn growth flushMature leaves from last flush of growth on non-fruiting terminals30-40
MelonEarly stage of growth prior to fruit set4th to 6th leaf from terminal on main stem20-25
Milo-SorghumBefore or at heading2nd leaf from top of plant20-25
OnionsBefore root or bulb enlargementCentre mature leaves25-35
OrangeDuring autumn growth flushSpring cycle leaves, 4 to 7 months old from non-fruit-bearing terminals25-30
Ornamental Trees and ShrubsCurrent year’s growthFully mature leaves30-75
PeachLate summer just after the end of terminal growthYoungest fully expanded leaf from non-fruiting terminals75-100
PeanutsBefore or at bloom stageYoungest fully developed leaves from top of the plant40-45
PearLate summer just after the end of terminal growthYoungest fully expanded leaf from non-fruiting terminals75-100
PeasBefore or during initial floweringLeaves from the 3rd node down from the top of the plant30-50
PecansLate summer just after the end of terminal growthMature leaves from terminal shoots, taking the pairs from the middle of the leaf30-45
PlumBefore or during initial floweringYoungest fully expanded leaf from non-fruiting terminals75-100
PotatoDuring vegetative growth3rd to 6th leaf back from growing tip30-50
PineappleDuring vegetative growthYoung mature leaves10-15
PoinsettiasBefore and during early floweringMost recently mature fully expanded leaf15-20
PotatoDuring vegetative growth3rd to 6th leaf back from growing tip30-50
PruneLate summer just after the end of terminal growthYoungest fully expanded leaf from non-fruiting terminals75-100
Radish Before root or bulb enlargementCentre mature leaves25-35
RaspberryFrom early growth through midseasonYoungest mature leaves on lateral or primary canes25-40
RicePrior to headingFirst 4 leaf blades from top of plant30-40
RiceSeedling stage (less than 30 cm)All the above ground portion of plant50-75
Root CropsBefore root or bulb enlargementCenter mature leaves25-35
RosesBefore and during early floweringUpper mature leaves on the flowering stem25-30
Small Grains (Including Rice)Prior to headingFirst 4 leaf blades from top of plant30-40
Small Grains (Including Rice)Seedling stage (less than 30 cm)All the above ground portion of plant50-75
SoybeansOr prior to or during initial floweringFully developed leaves at the top of the plant20-30
SoybeansSeedling stage (less than 30 cm tall)All the above ground portion20-30
SpinachBefore mid-growthYoungest mature leaf 30-50
SquashEarly stage of growth prior to fruit set4th to 6th leaf from terminal on main stem20-25
StrawberryFrom early vegetative growth to early fruiting stateYoungest fully expanded mature leaves50-70
Sugar BeetsBefore mid-seasonFully mature leaves midway between the younger center leaves and the oldest leaf whorl on the outside.30-35
Sugar CaneUp to 4 months old4th fully developed leaf from the top of the plant.25-30
Sweet CornBefore tassellingThe entire fully mature leaf below the whorl20-35
TobaccoBefore bloomUppermost fully developed leaf8-12
Tomato (Field)Before early bloom stage3rd to 4th leaf back from growing tip20-35
Tomato (Greenhouse)Before bloomYoung plants: Leaves from 2nd and 3rd clusters20-35
Tomato (Greenhouse)Before bloomOlder plants: Leaves from 4th to 6th clusters20-35
TurfAnytime during growing seasonLeaf blades, avoid soil contamination500 cc of material
WalnutAfter the end of terminal growthMiddle leaflet pairs from mature shoots30-40


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