Packaging Maintenance for European Union.
For the European Union, cylinders and drums need to be periodically inspected according to EU Accord Dangereux Routier (ADR) regulations, which concern transport of dangerous goods by road. Packaging reapproval is a legal obligation which is why our inspection/maintenance department has 100% in-house control on packaging. This consists of regular maintenance and the periodical retesting of packaging. Upon request, we provide the same service to our customers who own their own packaging. After the inspection, Balchem Performance Gases – EMEA receives a retesting certificate for each drum from the notified body.
Packaging Maintenance
Packaging materials are regularly inspected and Balchem Performance Gases – EMEA has an ADR Safety Advisor on site. We maintain records with all current test certifications for all active in-use packaging. All packaging has a stamped test date on it from the notified body. For more information please contact us at