March 11, 2021
Efficacy of Zn Met and B Met. Foliar supplements for enhancing yield through balanced nutrition of important crops grown in India.
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2015-2018 – Evaluation of zinc amino acid chelate, and boron complex compared to an inorganic form of Zn and an EDTA Zn. Boron Metalosate® compared to boric acid and soil applied borax. Trials were conducted on multiple crops (rice, cereal, vegetable and fruit), control was an NPK soil applied only program, all foliar applications were in addition to the soil NPK program. Zinc yield treatments were most improved through the application of zinc amino acid applications. Zinc concentration of different treatments were monitored over time in multiple plant tissues. Yield of Boron Metalosate® treatments were better than alternative forms in cereals, fruit and vegetable crops. Boron concentration of different treatments were monitored over time in multiple plant tissues