March 11, 2021

Effect of Calcium Metalosate on Growth and Yield of Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.)

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2015 – This field trial was carried out in 2015 in India, to study the effect of foliar application of calcium metalosate on growth and yield of tomato. Seven treatments including four Metalosate Calcium at various doses (T2 to T5) compared to T1: Control,T6: Micnef at 5 g/l and T7: Samras (amino acid mixture) at 2 ml. Metalosate Calcium at 4 ml/lit (T5) recorded significantly higher plant height (126.08 cm), more number of leaves (52.80), number of branches per plant (16.10), total dry matter production (152.13 g/plant), numbers of fruit per plant (32.15), average weight of ten fruits (998.00 grams), keeping quality of fruits (33.66 mean value in days) and total yield (25.22 MT/Ha).


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