
We consistently deliver products and solutions for the food, dietary supplement, and functional food industries. Our products positively impact the lives of countless consumers daily – from coffee creamers, muffins, and cereals to dietary supplements and minerals that help promote health, wellness, and longevity.

Engage with us to discover how our resources can enable your differentiation in the market.

High-Quality Ingredients

Our teams create innovation by enabling unique solutions with high-quality ingredients and are ready to apply experience, expertise, and creativity to help you deliver meaningful differentiation to the market.

Encapsulated Ingredients & Enabling Technologies

Balchem specializes in developing and delivering encapsulated solutions to serve various markets to extend shelf life, optimize texture, maintain consistent flavor, improve production efficiency, reduce sodium, reduce food waste, and enable clean labels. We provide a unique blend of technical expertise and problem-solving support, enabling you to achieve your goals.

Flavor, Color & Texture

We are a market leader in the manufacture of lipid-based inclusions. Our inclusions are functional ingredients that help protect and deliver flavor, aroma, color, and texture to a variety of end-use applications. Our high-performance inclusions and flavor systems bring forth exceptional flavor and sensory profiles.

Flavor & Sensory Systems

We provide customized ingredient systems that help you bring innovative products to market faster. Our systems provide ease of use for you, so your customers get a consistent product every time it goes out the door.

Functional & Nutritional Powders Products

Our spray-dried powders provide improved functionality to various finished food systems. Non-dairy or dairy-based powders provide creaminess, flavor, foaming, improved texture and mouthfeel, structure, and stability, and deliver nutritional properties. A wide range of formulas is available with various fat levels and functionalities to meet different application requirements. Some of our products that serve multiple applications are listed in the following chart.

Extruded and Texturized Protein

At Balchem, we see a renewed awareness of nutrition and its impact holistically. Our solutions help you create on-trend food, beverages, and dietary supplements that meet consumer needs for a new way of looking at living and living well.

Create something wonderful with our portfolio of convenient and innovative solutions for a variety of applications.

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